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Topic outline

  • Introduction

  • Sesi 1: Kebijakan Pendayagunaan Caregiver Lanjut Usia

    Restricted Not available unless: The activity Pre-Test is marked complete

    Trainer: Utami Rachmawati, Sp.Kep.Kom

  • Sesi 2: Etika dan Etiket Pelayanan Lansia

    Restricted Not available unless: The activity QUIZ PART 18 is complete and passed

    Trainer: Dr. Etty Rekawati

    Sesi 2: Etika dan etiket Pelayanan Lansia

  • Sesi 3: Budaya dan Kearifan Lokal

    Restricted Not available unless: The activity QUIZ PART 24 is complete and passed

    Trainer: Agus Setiawan, DN

    Sesi 3: Budaya dan Kearifan Lokal

  • Sesi 4: Proses Penuaan dan Penyakit pada Lansia

    Restricted Not available unless: The activity QUIZ BUDAYA DAN KEARIFAN LOKAL PART 24 is complete and passed

    Trainer: Winda Eriska, MS

    Sesi 4: Proses Penuaan dan Penyakit pada Lansia

  • Sesi 5: Activity Daily Living (ADL)

    Restricted Not available unless: The activity QUIZ PROSES PENUAAN DAN PENYAKIT PADA LANSIA PART 18 is complete and passed

    Trainer: Poppy Fitriani, Sp.Kep.Kom

    Sesi 5: Activity Daily Living (ADL) BARU

  • Sesi 6: Instrumental Activity Daily Living (IADL)

    Restricted Not available unless: The activity QUIZ ACTIVITY DAILY LIVING (ADL) 61 is complete and passed

    Trainer: Dr. Astuti Yuni Nursasi

    Sesi 6: Instrumental Activity Daily Living (IADL)

  • Sesi 7: Pendampingan Dalam Perawatan Jangka Panjang (Long Term Care) Sesuai Dengan Kondisi Lansia

    Restricted Not available unless: The activity QUIZ INSTRUMENTAL ACTIVITY DAILY LIVING (IADL) PART 19 is complete and passed


    1. Utami Rachmawati, Sp.Kep.Kom
    2. Winda Eriska, MS
    3. Wiwin Wiarsih, MN

  • Sesi 8: Penanganan Kegawatdaruratan pada Lansia

    Restricted Not available unless: The activity QUIZ PENDAMPINGAN PERAWATAN JANGKA PANJANG KONDISI LANSIA PART 60 is complete and passed


    1. Dikha Ayu Kurnia, Sp.Kep.MB
    2. Indah Permatasari, Sp.Kep.Kom

    Sesi 8: Penanganan Kegawatdaruratan pada Lansia

  • Sesi 9: Komunikasi Efektif Sesuai Dengan Kondisi Lansia

    Restricted Not available unless:
    • The activity QUIZ PENANGANAN KEGAWATDARURATAN PADA LANSIA PART 31 is complete and passed
    • Any of:
      • You must enrolled into this course via method E-Learning (Full Access)
      • You must enrolled into this course via method Manual enrolments

    Trainer: Yossie Susanti Eka Putri, PhD

    Sesi 9: Komunikasi Efektif Sesuai Dengan Kondisi Lansia

  • Sesi 10: Kerjasama Tim

    Restricted Not available unless:
    • The activity QUIZ KOMUNIKASI EFEKTIF SESUAI DENGAN KONDISI LANSIA PART 18 is complete and passed
    • You must enrolled into this course via method E-Learning (Full Access)

    Trainer: Dr. Kuntarti

    Sesi 10: Kerjasama Tim

  • Sesi 11: Gizi Pada Lansia Sesuai Dengan Kondisi Lansia

    Restricted Not available unless:
    • The activity QUIZ KERJASAMA TIM PART 18 is complete and passed
    • You must enrolled into this course via method E-Learning (Full Access)

    Trainer: Dwi Cahya Rahmadiyah, Sp.Kep.Kom

    Sesi 11: Gizi Pada Lansia Sesuai Dengan Kondisi Lansia

  • Sesi 12: Pendampingan Kegiatan Fisik, Emosional, Mental, Spiritual, Intelektual Dan Sosial Pada Lansia

    Restricted Not available unless:
    • The activity QUIZ GIZI PADA LANSIA SESUAI DENGAN KONDISI LANSIA PART 19 is complete and passed
    • You must enrolled into this course via method E-Learning (Full Access)

    Trainer: Dr. Widyatuti, Sp.Kep.Kom

    Sesi 12: Pendampingan Kegiatan Fisik, Emosional, Mental, Spiritual, Intelektual Dan Sosial Pada Lansia

  • Sesi 13: Pendampingan Paliatif Pada Akhir Kehidupan Lansia

    Restricted Not available unless:
    • The activity QUIZ PENDAMPINGAN KEGIATAN LANSIA PART 24 is complete and passed
    • You must enrolled into this course via method E-Learning (Full Access)

    Trainer: Rona C.Merduaty, M.AdvN

    Sesi 13: Pendampingan Paliatif Pada Akhir Kehidupan Lansia

  • Sesi 14: Edukasi Penggunaan Alat Bantu pada Lansia

    Restricted Not available unless:
    • You must enrolled into this course via method E-Learning (Full Access)

    Trainer: Dr. Sigit Mulyono, MN

    Sesi 14: Edukasi Penggunaan Alat Bantu pada Lansia

  • Sesi 15: Membangun Komitmen Belajar

    Restricted Not available unless:
    • The activity QUIZ EDUKASI PENGGUNAAN ALAT BANTU PADA LANSIA PART 24 is complete and passed
    • You must enrolled into this course via method E-Learning (Full Access)

    Trainer: Dr. Sigit Mulyono, MN

    Sesi 15: Membangun Komitmen Belajar

  • Sesi 16: Keselamatan dan Keamanan Kerja

    Restricted Not available unless:
    • The activity QUIZ MEMBANGUN KOMITMEN BELAJAR PART 18 is complete and passed
    • You must enrolled into this course via method E-Learning (Full Access)

    Trainer: Dr. Henny Permatasari

    Sesi 16: Keselamatan dan Keamanan Kerja

  • Sesi 17: Teknologi Informasi

    Restricted Not available unless:
    • The activity QUIZ KESELAMATAN DAN KEAMANAN KERJA PART 18 is complete and passed
    • You must enrolled into this course via method E-Learning (Full Access)

    Trainer: Sukihananto, M.Kep

    Sesi 17: Teknologi Informasi

  • Sesi 18: Kreativitas dan Inovasi dalam Pelayanan Lansia

    Restricted Not available unless:
    • The activity QUIZ TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI PART 12 is marked complete
    • You must enrolled into this course via method E-Learning (Full Access)

    Trainer: Indah Permatasari, Sp.Kep.Kom

    Sesi 18: Kreativitas dan Inovasi dalam Pelayanan Lansia

  • Sesi 19: Anti Korupsi

    Restricted Not available unless:
    • The activity QUIZ KREATIVITAS DAN INOVASI DALAM PELAYANAN LANSIA PART 12 is complete and passed
    • You must enrolled into this course via method E-Learning (Full Access)

    Trainer: Dr. Etty Rekawati

    Sesi 19: Anti Korupsi

  • Sesi 20: Rencana Tindak Lanjut

    Restricted Not available unless:
    • The activity QUIZ ANTI KORUPSI PART 12 is complete and passed
    • You must enrolled into this course via method E-Learning (Full Access)

    Trainer: Dr. Sigit Mulyono, MN

    Sesi 20: Rencana Tindak Lanjut

  • Post Test

    Restricted Not available unless: The activity QUIZ RENCANA TINDAK LANJUT PART 12 is complete and passed
  • Praktik dan Ujian Sertifikasi

    • Praktikum Assignment
      Restricted Not available unless: The activity Post Test is complete and passed
    • Ujian Sertifikasi Assignment
      Restricted Not available unless: The activity Post Test is complete and passed